Welcome: an information site

Originally developed in 2013 to support my natural problem solving apps
What happened to them? Technology upgrade needed.
In the meantime – your quest for discovery and understanding may need a new framework.
Here it is – from the energy and body aligning I have found works with all of us. Understanding what is happening to you, why it is and what you may do to reverse any past life residues.
“WHY”? is being answered.
This may be a new experience for you.
The material comes from my decades of being in service to those who find that the standard answers are not helping. They (as you to be here) want more. My ceaseless searching, studying, teaching and using whatever natural ways in a modern setting to assist others who come in with problems that nothing else (so far) has shifted. You may find here – information not found/known by others.
You can make very different decisions when you have more some answers.
When you feel lighter/ more aligned, there is always something that you can do. You have the most to gain.
There are online courses self paced, easily stepped through your hands on solutions. Start now?
Helping yourself
Most body problems – are approached from a simple, natural perspective.
You can be your own pathway to instant problem solving/solutions.
How did I come to all of this?
The Gentling Way – is my answer to what ails all of us.
A system of gradual unfolding of what has been held onto that is now holding you back. By gracefully releasing what is STUCK – on all levels – you are free to then make choices that flow. Losing pain and distress. Whenever nothing else seems to have ‘worked – maybe gently let go?
How? With some guidance maybe? More information is found as to how a well body works all through this site.
My clinical life has completed. Thus the teaching which was first 1:1 with patients (recipients of care), then students at all stages of acupuncture training and now mentoring finds itself assisting anyone who finds my work. I now as an elder am handing over.
You have choices –
1 – Trawl through here for what may not be apparent elsewhere (your energy instructions – what runs the physical)
2 – Take online courses
3 – Talk with me for personalised answers in an online Zoom consult.
What do I do? Provide guidance – as a holistic multi modality body/soul aligner.
If you wish to follow LIFE and what your body needs.. If you would like some assistance – I am available . .
I may have some graduates who can be your hands-on practitioner – do ask.
How this site is set up . .
Healthy Life
What drives your body and how it optimally works.
This section covers all the aspects of self – mostly from the energy framework from the acupuncture model. You discover what drives your physical body – the energy instructions:how when these work well, allowing your body to operate smoothly.
Self care
This is about how to look after yourself – here we have a complete self help ‘glove box’ manual – especially useful if you are having current (or past or even thinking of it) acupuncture treatment and want to know how your body needs it – or may heal itself with this help). Included is much elder wisdom from many cultural traditions.
Unhealthy Imbalances
Mainly explains the raft of complaints that befall all of us when we live ‘fast and loose’ – away from what we know works best. Going back to living within natural constraints and following what has always worked is the easiest way to heal.
Life Problems
Covers your life lived – but not undone. Explaining how any life residue interferes with how your body is designed to work. By carrying trauma and shock retained, flows can’t. Over time it ages us. Find out how you may resolve this for future health and happiness.
Take you to many of my other sites.
Please reach out . . especially when nothing else (so far) has worked’