Thyroid Function

This may underlie all that is NOT working in your life

As per the hormonal mud map  (CLICK to learn more) – all in the reproductive sector is controlled by your rate of metabolism – and this is thyroid function. Many medical practitioners have little understanding of the importance of iodine/iodide. We need micro amounts of both to live and it is critical for women to run the menstrual cycle and maintain breast health.

The way we utilize food and live is under direct threat through

  • fluoride in the water,
  • chlorine that is also in the water and
  • bromides that have made their way through fire retardants, fungicides and food additives to all aspects of life.

This means the iodine we need is unavailable to us as the other halogens (as mentioned) take over. This leaves the average woman’s body struggling. This is where an understanding of the Yang Qi functions comes in very handy. Hence the problems that may plague you:

all giving their own life and distress and all preventable.

Check your BBT (and his – if trying to conceive – you need great, not the apparently least possible fertile sperm) and find a therapist who actually works on correcting your imbalances, not just putting you on medication to take forever, or continually using surgery when things get too bad. See Iodine (CLICK to learn more), and Glutathione (CLICK to learn more)

Look also to the book ‘Cold is Not a Woman’s Friend’ as it explains simply what Yang Qi is, and does and how you can unknowingly sabotage all your best efforts to get well with simple things that all do. Find this and more in the online course below

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Selfing Package: 

What Causes Health? (A paradigm shift for you to understand how a well body operates
Soothing – gentle hands on your belly – to restore easy gut, belly
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Peristeaming – a delicious retreat into you with warmth, water and plants

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Help yourself – bodies heal when we let them
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