Seeds (Easy Fertility)

Why is making babies so fraught with challenges now? 

Look not to maternal age, but quality of life and what has invaded the food/air/water/ all of our lives . . LINK (

As any farmer would, make sure the breeding stock (yourselves) is in the best condition possible.

Eat wholesome foods in pleasant and easy company, simply, naturally.

‘Pottenger’s Prophesy – How Food Resets Genes For Wellness or Illness’ Gray Graham, Deborah Kesten, Larry Scherwitz

The Nourishing Traditions of Baby and Childcare By Sally Fallon

A new answer for all the pregnancy ‘high risk’ issues

‘The Vitamin D Solution’ Michael F Horlick

(Magnesium’s Importance ( (Not calcium, as all told to take)

‘The Magnesium Factor’ Mildred Seelig, Andrea Rosanoff

‘Transdermal Magnesium Therapy’ Dr Marc Sircus