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Birth easy, mother beautifully. Women’s bodies are designed to birth and to birth safely – when left alone to do the job naturally. Please start with the journey from womb to world. Please see all written/produced by Dr Sarah J Buckley and by Dr David Chamberlain.

It is actually all about the BABY – not mum wanting what she thinks you want – but shaping the future of humanity – one person at a time – bonding baby to love and acceptance, not fear, pain and ignorance.

A useful informative clip seen here OP is explained at 8 minutes, And you see a water birth gracefully at 8.54 minutes.

Please watch this …19 minutes of your life.

One of the most important decisions you will ever make – how to meet your newborn – and in the energy of ?trust and hope and love (home) or fear and crisis aversion and expectations of problems (hospital).


Ingredients – for a great birth

Including great (maternal) gut function for great (fetal/baby) growth

All women did before men started up obstetrics . . they had midwives who knew women’s bodies, their rhythms and their mysteries and were totally at peace with them, and birth. Please watch anything by Ina May Gaskin…she is an inspiration to all those who are to birth and for all those who need to yet be birthed –

Evidence based birth – do we actually know that most of the obstetric care is actually against the evidence?

‘Babies are overlooked in birthing’… is fetal monitoring needed?

Is there a medically sanctioned (and evidence based) alternative?

Discover the joys of being a natural mum – a la Dr Frederick le Boyer

Undisturbed birth – and trusting your instincts and your midwives – wherever they are and whomever they are – and nature is a safe birth. Worrying about what may go wrong (It is – you are being groomed by all to be worrying) may not give your baby the best start. Induction, C sections and VBAC’s – where is the evidence?

Do you know the word pasmo? Probably not – but you know of what it is – going backwards…the reversal of labour when in hospital /getting scared at any point in labour. So why do we tell women bad stories, fearful predictions /worry them? The sphincter muscles are shy… one woman’s ‘take’ on this.

Another woman’s ideas – yes we know the cervix is NOT really a sphincter, but it acts as though it were one in a woman’s body – we do not eliminate publicly, unlike men – and hence have some concerns over even peeing on public for the first time when birthing.

Natural birthing is nature’s template for us. Best for baby. If it is interfered with there are lifelong consequences.

Perhaps become proactive – start reading and learning – not just accepting what is currently ‘normal’.

Home birth?

Is home birthing safe? – used to be how all birthed – and well

Please watch Ina May’s induction into the Midwives Hall of Fame – what did women do before doctors, scans, and all that fear? They birthed beautifully – without pain relief – in the safety of their own homes, with a trusted midwife who usually had no mortality figures.

Of course this was all helped by women helping themselves with plain lives and simple food.

Please beware of ‘old doctor’s tales’.


What is ‘safer’ – where is the evidence that birthing in fear is or as all mammals need – what is your definition of safe?

Even look to sacred birthing.

We may forget that we are mammals. Primal attachment is the safest way to bond mum and baby together.

Once baby is born, educate yourself about the vaccinations the medical fraternity is going to line up to give your brand new baby. More found on this site.

Trauma? You do not want what could be one of the most ecstatic times of your life when you meet your loved baby – to be clouded in medical crisis management – avoid it by learning what you can do to be a conscious parent raising conscious children.

More resources? Start here and here

Easy Birthing

Starts with a well nourished mother.

This particularly means supplements to what you may see as a reasonable diet.

Vitamin D and importance in birthing – not C sections

Why C sections? Older mothers are higher risk? What about mum’s nutritional status?

Twins? Size of babies? Mums are asking for it? See more

Perhaps read what women are not told about birthing.

Magnesium and ease of pregnancy/ birthing/life.

How to birth easily? Follow nature and what your body needs

‘New Active Birth’ – Janet Balaskas


A word about ‘induction’ (Don’t)

What Dads Can Do – a manual for partners of pregnant women

Articles on all aspects of natural easy birthing

New study showing no need for induction

More in depth for midwives and interested persons

Baby positioning – it is not just about head down – but in the right spot – so induction and back ache labour, and failure to progress just do not factor – as baby is in the optimal spot to start the birthing journey.
More here

Have support all around you –  birthing is what women’s bodies do . . How do you want to?

Hypnobirthing is a great start for both of you to understand how the mind blocks or aids all the body can do.

Other Resources

How to help mum all through pregnancy to be comfortable and pain free – up to and after birth – What Dads Can Do. A manual of self help and empowerment to make all the little and the larger issues that may show up – reduce at your fingertips – helpful practical, simple and safe ways to turn any pregnancy into a dream run at birth and beyond!!!

How to get baby in the best spot within mum for optimal birthing ease – ‘Let Birth Be Born Again’ – Jean Sutton

How to open wide in all aspects of who you are to birth yourself as a mum Birthwork – including ‘The Big Stretch’ DVD

Everything written by Ina May Gaskin (Spiritual Midwifery 1978 through to Birth Matters 2011)

Dr Michel Odent – and his site and

‘The Gentle Birth Method’ by Gowri Motha

Then there is a very awkward question – ‘do you live where birth is trusted?’

Are there vested interests other than ensuring that the maternal baby connection intact?

Perhaps see what happened when a trusted midwife (she was a trained obstetrician first) wanted to support women birth where they were most comfortable – The Guardian – mothers fight against birth intervention

YOUR baby’s first introduction to being here – and you to baby – do you REALLY want to hand this over?

Please become more informed.

Birth where you feel safest . .

Perhaps even find out why home birth is the safest option – with a midwife who knows and trusts you and your body and the whole mammalian process of birth. Your fear and ignorance and their greed – a very modern combination in birthing. We can all naturally birth – we just need to be supported and woman can do anything – especially birth babies beautifully.

Then if we are still thinking of being as respectful as possible for baby here – Lotus Birth.

Perhaps it seems ‘way out there’ – possibly read what mums have said about their babies having a Lotus Birth.

Instantly improve your chances of a natural happy birth through downloading the Easy Birthing Package here.

Healthy Parents to be – Easy Periods – Easy Fertility – Easy Pregnancy – Easy Birthing – Easy Lactation – Easy Babies