Stuck Liver Blood

Pain? All sort of gyne problems?

Answering – WHY this is happening is not answered by anyone medical

Pain warns you – body is in distress. 
If you ask any medical professional – they do not know why you have what you do.
Being a woman menstruating is no excuse.  myriad chemical solution and surgeries may be offered:
BUT – you still have . . .. all that is painful and hard to live with.

This is so easy – when you know about  .. .life.
What is normal is here – and what can be done about uterine positioning – at the core of all of this is within the Self Care package at the bottom of the page developed as you can’t keep on seeing people to ‘help’ -yo need to understand how a body works – and what causes health – as you can’t live as a happy woman until you do –
So many women over the decades have come to see me in despair – often after multiple surgeries and attempts to control their bodies.

My multi modality ways always enhanced their well being.
Especially as I do NOT take ‘no’ for an answer – and usually am called in when all else has failed. . .

There is a very easy answer – love it better.
Undo why your body is screaming at you
DO not shut it down.
You will need courage – to face what is awaiting you

YOU need to do this yourself . .


When the Qi and Blood energy is not flowing well, congestion occurs.  Gyne and life problems (migraines? fibrocystic breasts, IBS, spider veins, varicose veins, horrendous back and neck problems – all come on board. Bleeding disorders, ‘high risk’ pregnancy problems. problems – all involving non flowing – of emotions as well as the menstrual blood.

Clotting, clumping of blood and severe pain all result, often with flooding as the blockage loosens.

Pain of a stabbing, fixed location will result – purple capillaries, stuck emotions (OCD/PTSD/PMDD) and body tissues becoming congested.

See Endometriosis solutions – webinar



Please sign up for change – start with my endo webinar – even if you have not been ‘diagnosed’ or you have been to you DO NOT have it – you have why any period pain is there – STUCK.
Undo /Free Stuck!

in the Self Care (SELFING) package

Endo solutions – so easily healed

Also regardless of spending the ++ $$ to get a ‘diagnosis’ –
if you have a troubles ‘down there’- the reasons for them will be cleared following what I have done up for anyone to follow . .

see more here