Healthy Pregnancy

Women are designed to breed.

Easy pregnancies and easy lives result when we put quality health first.

1 – As a maiden, biology sets our ability to be pregnant in motion with easy periods. These happen with normal production of Qi and Blood and circulation of both.

The menstrual cycle is all about developing a baby nest.
If not used – it is discarded (monthly)

And rebuilt.
A cyclic period is a woman’s health report.
Once established and running like clockwork, an easy period shows that her body is ready to receive and grow a baby very well.

2 – Making babies, the process is designed to be without dramas.
Sex with a fertile man makes babies, But less than perfect periods may mean not easy fertility and not easy pregnancy – resulting in a not easy birth. As pregnancy (and breastfeeding) are an extension of having easy periods, if they are less than perfect, this needs correcting.

3 – Being a mum is about heart-felt connection, the joys of being; needed in others lives – and as a mum – intimately forever – in another’s close circle of contact. Nature sets everyone up for primal bonding and optimal engagement in falling in love and thus easy parenting. And of neither mum nor baby being broken in the birthing dance of life.

Mum has the capacity to make, birth and love many children. Giving herself time in between: refilling her cup well, all will be fine. Rebuilding sufficiently allows everyone to win.

4 – Coming out the other side – with easy cessation of periods, allowing for freedom – to explore being woman with a joy for life

Mum’s body completely renews itself whilst pregnant and breastfeeding. This means she can remake herself, improving on all levels, if she tends herself as a newborn all through preparing for, and undergoing pregnancy states.

She can conversely wreck herself as she strives to do all for everyone and attack all projects as though today were the only day she had left on the planet – forgetting that he primary job she has when pregnant is to make as good a foundation for the rest of someone else’s life for them – that she can.

Pregnancy is not a state for health deterioration – but of glowing radiance. No problems – no health issues – just no periods, breasts maybe being busy and eventually a growing belly. Anything else is a body warning. Signals that you may not have all the ingredients to do this project perfectly. Red flags that your body is not as able as it could be to undertake the baby making business well enough, with what is available.

Your gut is what sustains you and your baby.
By choosing simple, plain and natural foods, you are assisting in making the best baby you can. No chemicals, no sugar – added in or otherwise sweet taste will not make the saturated, natural animal fats (not oils industrially made) and protein needed to give a great baby.

Basics ingredients – nutrient dense foods – often.

Understanding the role of diet, of healthy living and of a good start to life could be, is the focus of a system caring for the future. Being the best mum possible is likely every woman’s wish/dream. Having an easy baby.

With nature’s help, when mum has grown into a primal being through emerging as a newborn mum, from the process of letting her baby out of her body, through her baby gate – she is well equipped to be, as all mothers are, ferocious, independent: knowing to act from her gut and led by her heart.

Allowing herself to unfold into maternity in her way, she then is in charge of her mothering – she grows in the role – led by baby. They work it out. Baby, listened to, guides her. She discovers herself through natural birthing with all around to support her. Support and great nutrition do the rest.

Nature sets us up to win.
Survival of the fittest – be that one.
Ensure perfect health PRIOR to conception.

Nature has programmes to ensure baby is safe as mum is bound to him/her.

Baby is to be birthed from mum’s body to mum’s body.

Alert and aware with all that comes naturally.

Let nothing and no one get in the way . .
THAT is what goes wrong . .interference

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