Maternal or baby ‘problems’ in pregnancy

Most of these are avoidable and fixable – but not through mainstream obstetric eyes, which is why this may seem initially to you as though I am over stepping my brief.  Perhaps read how we are made (the Human Matrix)and what you can do to improve easily upon this – at any stage of the process of life. It is all a matter of following traditional systems of health and well being care that have been left to us from the past – what worked then, still does.

Almost anything that ‘goes wrong’ in pregnancy and afterwards is a simple matter of not enough as ingredients and after many warnings (‘health’ problems) then the real traumas emerge – too early birth, baby dies, mum terribly unwell – none just happen – all have warnings – but these are seen as ‘normal’ problems in pregnancy.

It is not advisable to listen to mainstream medicine if you are hurting (fix it!!) or unwell (fix it!!) in pregnancy

Back and /or pelvic girdle pain is a great example – it is normal to have it and a sign that mum’s body is not happy or able to sustain a well pregnancy – so why this distress waited out? Because there is no drug or surgery that is on offer in mainstream medicine.

When there is no model to see back pain as a symptom (warning) of wider concerns, it is minimised – although it may be crippling for the pregnant woman. Where is the Vit D and magnesium and Vit C to ensure her structure is well nourished? What does this deficiency mean to her and baby’s health?

When there no tool in the medical tool box, what is happening is watched over – and until a danger line is passed (it is crisis based) you can worry and wait – or fix yourself so normal happens again – You can reverse out of gestational diabetes – and should never ever have even looked like this was happening to start with. What quality baby can emerge from your body not optimally working?  Not necessarily a quality baby. Especially not if you are diabolically ill all through all stages of pregnancy – hyperemesis gravidarum or severe constant unrelenting nausea means neither baby or mum are at all nourished at a time when both need to be – for the rest of their lives.

All that is happening is correctable by changing what you are eating and doing. You are totally responsible for the state of your health and sanity, and the present and future state of your baby.  Almost nothing is irredeemable. Waiting for things to get so bad the baby has to be forced out to be born faster than ‘being cooked’ naturally is often the only thing mainstream medicine as to offer. Watchful waiting seen in this context is irresponsible – and the alternative is to find a good natural health consultant and have regular health restoration treatments.

Having tests and scans is dangerous for baby – and baby has an awareness of the changes in maternal and surrounding perceptions – and why would you put your vulnerable baby through trauma due to your own lack of attention to detail before making your precious cargo?

This may be a little tricky as nowadays all health care providers go through an indoctrination into the ways of evidence based medicine and science as seen through mainstream medicine. Perhaps do not search the internet and look at pregnancy forums as they are just repeating the ignorance all have in matters health related – anything parroting mainstream ideas and research will not help you – you need may answers. They exist.

It may not mean that you do not find someone immediately who is prepared to work as well with you as is possible, and you may need to look around.  Please buy a copy of ‘What Dads Can Do’ as your at home supportive assistance using the common sense and acupuncture model explained there practically can literally change your pregnancy and birthing outcome.

What can have ‘gone wrong’

  • You were not totally healthy before conceiving
  • Not eating and living as your body needs you to now
  • Lack of supportive pregnancy and birthing culture (to worry you so you are not enjoying a perfect pregnancy)

What you can do about this

Follow the recommendations throughout all of the Everything Package.

Ideally both respective parents see a good natural health care professional and totally change their diets and lifestyles as the baby born is a reflection of how well they were before conception. This is totally able to improve or worsen according to what you do with yourselves – hence the strength of your children is totally in your hands.

Mum is remade during pregnancy

A great reason to be eating better and living well before and during pregnancy and into lactation times – mum’s body remakes itself – just as it is making baby – it looks after her in a different way.

Pre existing maternal health problems

Whilst not an optimal state to be pregnant – it can be remedied by finding a set of good natural health care professionals to assist you. The as you improve, you may ask yourself – why did I not find a great natural health care professional to FIX whatever it is first – as mainstream medicine can at best only manage symptoms? Why would you miss out on this? If you really attend to overall health and well being, after having baby you can be stronger than you ever have been – and possibly lose a lot of the pre baby health problems – IF you pay attention to your own nutrition and habits.  And please stop listening to what may go wrong – it is – you are not following what nature dictates – happy, healthy pregnancy through healthy happy living.