Specific Pregnancy Health Concerns

– how to turn pregnancy back to perfect?

Much is easily changed by simply changing what mum is eating, thinking, and doing in pregnancy.

It is easier to ensure perfect maternal and baby health first – by taking the time to make a perfect baby – both parents-to be – will make the progress of baby from a one celled organism to being your perfect baby in your arms more likely naturally, easily.

Start with food – what is baby being made from?
Is mum happy?

Is she surrounded by catastrophising medical information?

Without a plan of how normal unfolds, it may all look scary and random.

Found here – how to remove/reverse out of all likely problems so they dissolve into dust – go with the map of how we are all made.

Perhaps it is time to look to what can be done and how easily and safely you can change the health, well being and comfort of any pregnant woman. Find out how here.