
What is “Health”?

Good question
When I was developing a new acupuncture curriculum for a brand new acupuncture course in Brisbane in 1980/81, I pondered this.
More than an absence of DIS-ease – I came upon – the ability to adapt to change
Change is always . .
Our bodies must keep the outside OUT and the inside IN – but communicate in both direction.
This process of maintaining integrity is homeostasis.
Anything that takes us away from moderating the LIFE processes may cause a lack of wellness as so many resources are pulled out of circulation to deal. Hence you have an imbalance that may tend to rule life. Hence we have the imbalances sections on this site – BUT you have to now what wellness is first . .  Maybe also look to the Life Recipe (CLICK) here.

Maybe see more here as What CAUSES health also needs answering.
This page (CLICK) will also show you the depth available when we wish to skim more than the surface.