What you can do to recreate perfect in pregnancy and birthing

Regardless of what may be about to happen according to the specialist in what goes wrong – look to the specialist knowledge in what goes right – where is the perfect pregnancy plan?

Look to what is supposed to happen from a health perspective.
Not the crisis or breakdown model that mainstream medicine uses.

Pregnancy is not an illness, but a normal body phase.

Women are designed to easily and safely negotiate this as part of their daily lives.

The Human Matrix may be the perfect place to start – what is the template?
How does it express? How can you ensure perfect happens for your baby?

Very easily understood introduction into being a person and how we are all influenced forever by what happens within our mum – and what you can do whilst pregnant to ensure baby gets the best ride possible – and that mum is safely bonded to baby at the birthing end – by ensuring she is as well and happy as nature expects.
Also what you can do to ensure that mum improves her own state of being/body. health through her pregnancy so that from then on she is in a far better condition than she was before conceiving – her body remakes itself whilst she is making baby – so why not take this opportunity to make a healthier, happier model of self?

This is easy – follow nature, not fear based monitoring – as nature has the plan – rediscover it and trust it!!

Heather’s everything you will ever need to know to help yourself in pregnancy and birthing package