To feel alive (and well/vibrant) – your Qi must flow unrestricted

Pain happens on any and every level when it can not.
Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) is what gives your physical body the instructions and ability to be here. Whilst this may all sound strange from where you have been trained to think, please keep reading as this acupuncture model explains why and how all things are not as you would like them to be. For the body and mind to work well, the Liver Qi needs to move.
What does the Liver Qi do in health / what does this look and feel like?
Everything in your body and life is dependent upon your getting this bit right.

What upsets Liver Qi?
Emotional blockage – feeling and not expressing, otherwise called ‘stress’ in western culture.
Emotional blockages are caused by bottled resentment, anger and a festering sense of unfairness. With emotional stress we block normal flow.
Over time this will kill us, as we get bound up – resulting in growths and blockages and cancers – after years of internal dialogue and self-abuse.

The Liver Qi needs good blood to nourish it and to be working well.
This circular nature and interdependence of the body is seen in this model.
Any aspect of health and illness will show up also as how we feel and how we are – depressed or energetic – and this all comes back to the expression of the Shen and the start of the Blood energy and whether or not the Liver Qi is moving all through well. A healthy liver energy means you express yourself. ANGER When blocked, anger rises and creates more dramas.
Qi flows in spaces. Lymph congestion – from not moving about – clogs it up.
All of you feels disordered – see the Qi then Blood then Stuck Liver Qi sections.
You then may feel lacking in energy – perhaps MOVE more?

At least get your self going with the simple home help moves.
See Stuck Liver Qi Release here . .
In this self paced practical safe and effective downloadable instantly course.
There is more.. ..
Help yourself!
Take Charge!
Instantly accessible – all works – and all with your own hands . .
Yes you can!
At home – you can – and then help all those around you – regardless of their age/’condition’ and whether you are ‘trained’ this is all you need to radically alter your and others around you – Liver Qi so all is easy – again.
AND . . . .
More still – if you wish to really dive deeply into self help . .
To learn much more around your own self care – sign up for the courses below

Simple and easy to follow step through.
Help yourself – bodies heal when we let them.
What is holding YOUR body hostage?
Male or female – we all are run by electrics (energy – and the distortion of these instructions then sets up to be warned by our body (usually PAIN)- and we choose to ignore, lulled by the medical (we don’t know’) brigade – until we can’t keep numbing ourselves – at this point (are you desperate enough)/ we have had enough being told that it is ‘all in your head’? THEN – we ACT . . .
The Selfing Package
A collection of online courses to get you started on your journey.