
Welcome to Pregnancy

Trusting through knowing

Empowerment is the key. As with my manual ‘What Dad Can Do’ –  I offer answers. My intention is that your precious cargo – new life being made – is supported to become as whole, as easily into your arms, and beyond, as you all deserve to be – bonded, in tune with each other and the world of life. Unfolding magically.

Follow life. Nature knows. Pregnancy is a normal part of life. It is a time of deepening respect for how amazing your body is and all the ways it supports you. Be as natural as you can be. Please listen to all warnings it gives you. What you are lead to believe is not really what is LIFE . .

Please research all as it is YOU that gets to live with all consequences.

What you will find here

Breasts and lactation
Easy pregnancy and birthing
What to do to help yourselves

My first pregnancy in 1976 taught me to let go and live simply. To also ponder everything To follow what was happening – not to try to control anything. Be well, eat well, sleep well – and let it all unfold. My first birth in 1977 showed me that we do not know what we do not/cannot – and to strive to assist any other women who found themselves essentially unsupported (regardless of how many people were in the room with them). This first baby – and for seven years the only one – taught me to follow my heart and let him direct his own ‘growing up’.
My second baby’s birth (1984) gifted us both the bonded birth that the others missed.
My third baby (1986) showed me what happens when what is supposed to happen – natural – is stymied and baby almost dies – to be consequently saved and massively brain injured/impaired for life.
My last birthed baby (1994) showed me the troubles that await when life directs us into the funnel of medical interventions. (C sections for me), and the life long consequences – for him – being taken away from his life line – me – no cord blood, no bonding.

I knew to avoid all medications (fix the problem and do not be ruled be fear or limitations).
Providing me with a set of kiddie ‘PhD’s’ – as each had a very different life path to bring you what I know now

Me – needing to rescue my body, often, and my sense of self, with a lifelong experience of what next as aging takes over the various surgical abdominal scaring/adhesions from knives being involved in two of these – and of body hits as natural birthing was sidelined.
I hope that you miss this – but if/when you do – know that there are so many of us who have been able to solve the issues that you may feel stuck in presently. You are blessed to be here.

I have been working with couples to make better babies naturally since 1979.
Before IVF there was me using practical back to nature ways – as sex is there to make babies – why is it not is my question? There was no C sections on demand when I started helping women with their birthing anxieties/panics – thus my development of what dad can do .

The reverence and sacredness of making another person is my intention. We follow life. Nothing here is medically based. Here we follow life. What was passed down, in different cultures. Answers that you may be seeking. To raise your own easy baby